Formal Methods - with Marius Melzer
Syslog · 2020-08-10
Show Notes and LinksFlo and Julian managed to get Marius Melzerinto the recording studio and talk with him about his passion: FormalVerification. In this episode, we make a broader sweep compared to ourearlier spotlight on Ada/SPARKand touch on many projects that are on-going in the formalverification community.
We discuss how to get going with formal verification and also touch onthe theoretical underpinnings.
We forgot to mention it in the episode, but please also check outMarius’ other project: palava.tv!
Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com.
Discuss the episode in Matrix room #ukvly:matrix.org or on Freenode IRC #ukvly. Send feedback to [email protected] or via Twitter.Resources Erlang Elixir Haskell Haskell Programming from First Principles Lambda Days Coq seL4 DeepSpec Project Everest Idris Ada/SPARK Isabelle Lean Frama-C LiquidHaskell F*
Flo and Julian talk to their guests about engineering microkernels, operating systems and the community around these technologies.
- No. of episodes: 11
- Latest episode: 2021-03-11
- Technology