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Velkommen til Hattrick. Hattrick er Bolds daglige nyhedspodcast, som alle hverdage leverer dagens 3 største fodboldnyheder til dine øregange.

Historierne bliver fortalt af de journalister, som arbejder med den, og som er 100% inde i det stof, de taler om.

Hattrick udkommer mandag til fredag kl.15:00.

Vært og produktion: Oliver Routledge
Lyddesign: William Dinesen

Where can you listen?

Apple Podcasts Logo Spotify Logo Podtail Logo Google Podcasts Logo RSS


Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Hattrick?

There are 280 episodes avaiable of Hattrick.

What is Hattrick about?

We have categorized Hattrick as:

  • Sports
  • Football
  • Soccer

Where can you listen to Hattrick?

Hattrick is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Hattrick start?

The first episode of Hattrick that we have available was released 21 February 2022.

Who creates the podcast Hattrick?

Hattrick is produced and created by Bold.