

KoffieCo Podcast

Interviews met de meest inspirerende artsen van Nederland! Verschillende artsen, binnen én buiten het ziekenhuis op de koffie bij de coassistent, in plaats van andersom.

Door: Doris van der Heijden, Tiara Ringers, Tessa Dinger, Eva Heeling, Mare Köllen, Nina Buisman, Duveke de Gaay Fortman, Daantje Gratema, Benjamin Lorié, Olivier Banus, Teuntje Dop, Noor Vrouenraets, Bente Gijsberts, Philippine Peters en Li Ling Ho

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of KoffieCo?

There are 188 episodes avaiable of KoffieCo.

What is KoffieCo about?

We have categorized KoffieCo as:

  • Education
  • Health & Fitness
  • Medicine

Where can you listen to KoffieCo?

KoffieCo is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did KoffieCo start?

The first episode of KoffieCo that we have available was released 22 March 2019.

Who creates the podcast KoffieCo?

KoffieCo is produced and created by KoffieCo Podcast.