College Tour, de podcast!

College Tour, de podcast!

Twan Huys & MA Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media

Welkom terug in de collegezaal!

In samenwerking met masterstudenten Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media van de Universiteit Leiden interviewt Twan Huys spraakmakende en inspirerende journalisten uit binnen- én buitenland. College Tour zoals je het kent, maar dan net even anders.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of College Tour, de podcast!?

There are 11 episodes avaiable of College Tour, de podcast!.

What is College Tour, de podcast! about?

We have categorized College Tour, de podcast! as:

  • News
  • Science
  • Entertainment News
  • Social Sciences

Where can you listen to College Tour, de podcast!?

College Tour, de podcast! is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did College Tour, de podcast! start?

The first episode of College Tour, de podcast! that we have available was released 25 October 2024.

Who creates the podcast College Tour, de podcast!?

College Tour, de podcast! is produced and created by Twan Huys & MA Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media.